In an open letter to INTERPOL's Secretary General, Venezuelan Attorney General Luisa Ortega Díaz demanded an explanation and said that the decisions by INTERPOL lawyers amounted to the ?meddling in the internal affairs? of Venezuela. ... As part of the intervention, Mezerhane's financial assets were seized, including a 38000 acre estate in the rural state of Apure, a private residence in the upper-class Caracas neighborhood of La Florida, 6.3% of the Loma de Niquel nickel ...
El Hotel Colón Costa Ballena. El Incosol, el Colón Costa Ballena, el Duques de Medinaceli y el Palacete Mirador ?mantienen el alto nivel de servicio y atención que caracteriza al grupo hotelero? y continúan con su planificación habitual de ofertas y programas. ... ?Es cierto que esta situación es complicada, pero estamos trabajando intensamente para que los clientes no se vean afectados?, ha destacado el director Comercial, Fernando Díaz. ?Es en este momento cuando más ...
Multiculturalism and Integration: The Interplay of Society and Individuals. by Felipe Korzenny :: from Telemundo Reports Strong Ratings Performance in February. Fernando Diaz and Silvia Rivera, Chicago Latino journalists ...